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The primary intent of Religious Education (RE) at Redwood Academy is to provide children with a broad, balanced, and inclusive understanding of world religions, beliefs, and worldviews.

It aims to help children:

  • Understand Key Concepts and Beliefs, developing a deeper understanding.
  • Promote Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural Development (SMSC), which will enable children to reflect on their own beliefs and values.
  • Build Critical Thinking and Enquiry Skills: encourage questioning, investigation, and discussion.
  • Develop a Sense of Identity and Belonging, helping children explore the role religion plays in shaping individual identity and community cohesion.

The curriculum is designed to foster respect, empathy, and critical thinking by exploring the diversity of religious traditions and the role of belief in individuals' lives and societies.



The Maltby Redwood Academy RE curriculum is delivered through a structured, progressive, and sequenced syllabus, aligned with the Rotherham Agreed Syllabus.

The syllabus is broken down into key stages, ensuring a clear progression of knowledge and skills. At each stage, children are introduced to both new religious concepts and revisited themes to deepen understanding. RE lessons are planned using inquiry-based approaches, where pupils explore questions of belief, meaning, and morality through investigation and discussion.

Lessons are designed to be accessible to all learners. Resources and activities are differentiated to support children of varying abilities and learning styles. Respectful consideration is given to children from different religious backgrounds or non-religious worldviews, ensuring the content is inclusive.

The RE curriculum is designed to complement other areas of learning, such as history, geography, and personal, social, health, and economic education (PSHE).

Regular opportunities are provided for informal assessment through class discussions, questioning, written work, quizzes, and peer feedback. Pupils are encouraged to reflect on their learning, evaluating their understanding and personal growth in relation to the key concepts studied.


The impact of the RE curriculum on pupils is seen in the development of well-rounded, open-minded, and reflective children.

Children can articulate key religious concepts and relate them to contemporary issues, showing respect for the beliefs and traditions of others, promoting a culture of tolerance and inclusion.

By embedding the principles of the Rotherham Agreed Syllabus, Maltby Redwood Academy ensures that pupils not only meet academic expectations but also become respectful citizens, who can go on to navigate the multicultural and multi-faith nature of modern society with empathy and understanding.


Withdrawing your child from religious education

If you wish to withdraw your child from Religious Education, please speak to your school Principal in the first instance.