Reading, English and literacy
Literacy is an active phenomenon. Its power lies not in a perceived ability to read and write but rather in an individual’s capacity to put those skills to work in shaping the course of his or her life. ~Paula Freire
Why is our English curriculum shaped this way?
At Maltby Redwood Academy our mission is for ‘every child an achiever, through excellence and opportunity’. Reading is at the centre of our curriculum as everything else depends on it. We want all children to develop a passion for reading and to be able to read for meaning. It is our intention that by the end of their time with us, all children are able to read fluently and with confidence so that they are ready for life beyond Maltby Redwood.
Through our curriculum, the wider world is presented to our children in a range of ways led by key questions and exciting opportunities. The Write stuff in used throughout school and underpins our pedagogical approach. Through, The Write Stuff, texts and questions have been carefully chosen to meet the needs of our children and key links can be made within and across age groups. We believe that through this bespoke curriculum, our children will grow to be confident learners with a positive attitude towards reading and writing. We endeavour for our children to have a passion for English and to see how English is crucial to learning about other subjects as well as enabling them to be successful citizens and live rewarding lives.
Through our English Curriculum, we strive to teach the children how important their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills will be in the real world. By giving them this context to their learning, the children understand the value of English to them now, and in their futures.
We want our children to talk confidently in front of a range of audiences and provide them with regular opportunities to develop the essential skills of speaking and listening. This is done through discussion, drama and specific listening activities in pairs, groups and as a class. Good oral work enhances pupils’ understanding of language in both oral and written forms.
We believe that all of our children should take pride in the presentation of their writing. From Foundation Stage, children are taught letter formation from our handwriting scheme, which enables children to develop an independent, mature style of writing. Good presentation is expected at all times and displaying children’s work is an integral part of this process. Ultimately, we want each child to develop a fluent, legible and attractive style of handwriting with joined writing being expected from the start of KS2.
We know that all good writers refine and edit their writing over time, so we want children to develop their independence in being able to identify their own areas for improvement. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are therefore an essential part of English and are imbedded into our curriculum on a daily basis. High quality modelled texts are used to scaffolding and support learning, so all children are able
to achieve within the English lesson. Spellings and key vocabulary are displayed in each classroom on working walls and word mats and children understand the importance of using these resources to enhance their writing.
Reading and books are at the centre of our curriculum, and we are committed to developing English and literacy skills through uniting reading and writing, learning environments are rich in text which offer children a great foundation to develop their skills. Specific and age-appropriate texts are chosen to ensure that year group objectives are broadened and deepened in line with a mastery approach to teaching.
At Redwood, we know that the ability to read has the biggest impact on outcomes for children in their lives beyond the school gate. We believe all children need to leave primary school confident, secure readers and strive to ensure all children reach their reading potential. We teach children to read using the by using The Read Write Inc. phonics scheme which endeavours to teach children a variety skill that can be developed over time. The children have the opportunity to select from a wide range of good quality reading books at an appropriate level which have been closely matched to their phonics stage. This ensures they are able to decode the words they are reading and increase in fluency and confidence. Once they have completed the Read Write Inc. phonics scheme, children stay on Read Write Inc. books for an additional period of time to ensure they are proficient, fluent readers before moving on to banded reading books.
We also know that once children are able to decode fluently, they are willing and able to read for pleasure and make choices about the style of books and authors they enjoy. We believe this is a skill needed for life and is beneficial to wellbeing. Children are also encouraged to choose a book for pleasure from a well-stocked library and their own class reading areas to enjoy alongside their banded reading books. Each class also has 15 “Must Read” books, which are displayed in class reading areas. Our class reading areas are seen to be ‘mini libraries’ where children have the opportunity to explore a range of genres and print.
The link between reading and writing is supported further by guided comprehension, echo and reciprocal reading which takes place daily throughout school. This deepens children’s knowledge of a text as well as promoting quality vocabulary that can be transferred into writing. Children are able to develop their ability to predict, read, clarify, question and summarise and will use these skills to analyse challenging texts in a range of styles. This is supported further by high profile reading characters that pinpoint specific skills children need to be real readers.
A variety of opportunities are provided across the curriculum for children to develop their writing skills in different styles. For example, writing reports, stories, poems, notes, plays, lists and diaries around a range of themes and topics relevant to the children’s current text or linked to their surrounding environment. Teachers refer regularly to the purpose and audience of writing so that children view their writing as meaningful.
Children’s progress in reading and writing is carefully monitored throughout the school. In KS1 and KS2, independent writes are completed at least twice a half term, which are moderated internally against the national curriculum skills. To help children progress in their learning and understand what they need to do to improve, objectives are discussed with the children and success criteria given, so they understand what they need to include. All children are also given the opportunity to edit and improve their writing against the given success criteria.
A variety of opportunities are provided across the curriculum for children to develop their writing skills in different styles. For example, writing reports, stories, poems, notes, plays, lists and diaries around a range of themes and topics relevant to the children’s current text or linked to their surrounding environment. Teachers refer regularly to the purpose and audience of writing so that children view their writing as meaningful.
Spelling, punctuation and grammar are an essential part of literacy and discreet sessions are utilised regularly to enhance these key areas. Criteria for success are also given a high profile within every class, so that all staff and children have the highest expectations of their writing. Spellings and key vocabulary are displayed in each classroom on working walls and word mats and children understand the importance of using these resources to enhance their writing.
Children are provided with regular opportunities to develop the essential skills of speaking and listening. This is done through discussion, drama and specific listening activities in pairs, groups and as a class. Good oral work enhances pupils’ understanding of language in both oral and written forms. Oracy opportunities are planned each lesson using our progression document which outlines discussion guidelines and sentence stems.
From Foundation Stage, children are taught letter formation and joins following our handwriting scheme, which enables children to develop an independent, mature style of writing. Good presentation is expected at all times and displaying children’s work is an integral part of this process. Ultimately, we want each child to develop a fluent, legible and attractive style of handwriting with joined writing being expected from the start of KS2.