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Our history curriculum is designed to develop children‛s curiosity about the past, ensuring that children recognise its importance and relevance to modern day. We aim to provide children with the skills and knowledge to think like historians, reviewing sources and gathering evidence to help them to understand the complexities of people’s lives. We also intend to develop the children‛s ability to apply historical skills to enable them to confidently communicate their findings and understanding of a range of historical time periods.

We are committed to providing children with opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about their local area and make links with their community. Our curriculum will ensure that children develop respect and tolerance for different cultures, beliefs and economic backgrounds.




High quality teaching is carefully planned and sequenced to ensure that prior knowledge, skills and vocabulary are built upon. Teachers use progression documents to ensure that subject matter is presented clearly and that misconceptions are identified and addressed ensuring that new knowledge is revisited and retained. A love of history learning is promoted through enquiry- based, practical approaches- teachers will source artefacts, organise visits/visitors and create opportunities for children to take part in workshops and celebration days.

Where appropriate, cross- curricular links are made to support learning outcomes and the children’s retention and application of knowledge and skills. Teachers provide opportunities for independent research, collaboration and debate to ensure that children are able to transfer their skills across subject domains.



Our History curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. Our children will leave with cross-curricular understanding of history that will allow them to become successful citizens having learnt to critique sources of evidence and form their own unbiased viewpoints.